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Undergraduate Admissions

Ashland University is an Equal Opportunity institution and its programs are available to all students regardless of disabilities, sex, age, race, color, religion, and national or ethnic origin. Each applicant for admission to Ashland University is considered on individual merit. Each applicant's record is reviewed for academic achievement, aptitude, and interest in order to admit those students who possess the ability and motivation to benefit from their enrollment at Ashland University.

Each applicant is highly encouraged to visit the campus and meet with an admission representative. A visit provides prospective students an opportunity to meet AU students, faculty, coaches, and administrators and to tour the campus and facilities.

The quality of the academic record is shown by an applicant's grades, class standing and difficulty of courses taken. A well-prepared candidate will have four units of English, three units of social studies, three units of science, three units of mathematics, and two units of foreign language. The results of the SAT or the ACT serve as additional indicators of academic aptitude.

Ashland University is very interested in the applicant's record as a school citizen and will accept recommendations from guidance counselors and/or teachers as to ability, motivation, and character.

 High School Student

Prior to or early in the senior year of high school, the applicant should:

  1. On-Campus Program Students-Complete and submit the Ashland University Application for Undergraduate Admission which is online at:;

    Online Program Students- Complete and submit the Ashland University Application for Graduate, Online, and Adult Admission which is online at:;

  2. Ask a counselor to send an official high school transcript. A list of senior courses should be included. (Results of the G.E.D. are recognized);

If applicant participated in the College Credit Plus (Dual Enrollment) Program, contact the registrar at the college/university attended and request an official transcript be sent to Ashland University Enrollment Services. College credit will be granted for any college-level coursework taken in high school in which a "C-" or better grade is received.

On-Campus Program Students:

a) Traditional admission: A minimum high school grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale is required for traditional admission to the freshman class and submission of an ACT (American College Test), SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), or CLT (Classic Learning Test) score. Minimum composite test scores are: ACT-18, SAT-970, and CLT-62. Results may be sent directly to Ashland University using these codes: ACT - 3234; SAT - 1021; Individual academic programs may have additional admission criteria.

b) Test-Optional Admission Students may choose to apply without submitting an ACT, SAT, or CLT score. In that case, students must have a minimum 2.85 High School GPA to be admitted. This option is not available for colleges and academic programs which require a standardized test score for admission.

Online Program Students:

A minimum high school grade point average (GPA) of 2.25 on a 4.0 scale. Individual programs may choose to admit students on a conditional basis with a GPA less than 2.25.

On-Campus Traditional Undergraduate Nursing Program Students:

All candidates for the Traditional Undergraduate Nursing Program must earn a minimum high school grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. In addition they must earn a minimum 20 composite score on the ACT or 1,040 on the SAT. Students who fall below these requirements may still be admitted to Ashland University but not to the Nursing Program. Candidates for this program must submit test scores and are not able to apply test optional.

Upon high school graduation, a final official transcript must be forwarded to Ashland University at:

Ashland University

Attn: Enrollment Services

401 College Avenue

Ashland, OH 44805

Official Electronic transcripts should be submitted to:

High School Equivalence Diploma (GED)

Ashland University will recognize the GED instead of a high school diploma for those applicants who did not graduate from high school. Prospective students with a GED need to request an official GED transcript to be sent to Ashland University, Enrollment Services to document completion and provide GED test scores. Students may also be required to take the ACT.

Home Schooled Student

An applicant who is home schooled should use the following admission guidelines:

  1. On-Campus Program Students-Complete and submit the Ashland University Application for Undergraduate Admission which is online at:;

    Online Program Students- Complete and submit the Ashland University Application for Graduate, Online, and Adult Admission which is online at:;

  2. Submit an accredited diploma, GED, grade transcript, or home school credit evaluation form.

  3. On-Campus Program Students-Provide results of a standardized test such as the ACT, SAT, or other state or nationally normed test

Advanced Placement, CLEP, and International Baccalaureate

College Credit may be awarded for students who complete AP, CLEP, and IB exam/courses. Please visit

Transfer Student

A student from an accredited institution of higher learning may be considered for admission as a transfer student to Ashland University provided he or she is in good conduct, financial standing, and academically with at least a 2.25/4.0 cumulative GPA at the previous college(s) attended.

Credit earned through a recognized accredited college or university will be accepted at Ashland University. The grade that will appear on student records is a “K” and has no impact on your Ashland University cumulative GPA. Credits will be awarded for specific Ashland University courses when transferable credits are for equivalent courses. When the transferable courses do not have Ashland University equivalents, credits will be awarded as 'elective' credits. A student transferring to Ashland University from other institution(s) of higher learning must meet residence requirements (see index) in order to be eligible for graduation from a baccalaureate degree program. A candidate for a degree must take a minimum of 30 semester hours at Ashland University. The last 12 hours of coursework and at least one half of the student's work in his or her major field must be taken at AU.

A student interested in transferring to Ashland University should:

  1. On-Campus Program Students-Complete and submit the Ashland University Application for Undergraduate Admission which is online at:;

    Online Program Students- Complete and submit the Ashland University Application for Graduate, Online, and Adult Admission which is online at:;

  2. Contact the Registrar at all colleges where coursework was attempted and request that official transcripts be sent to Ashland University Enrollment Services; and

  3. Contact the high school guidance office or GED provider to request that an official transcript be sent to the Ashland University Registrar’s Office if the applicant has fewer than 30 credit hours (semester) earned. The final decision regarding course- equivalence of transfer credit will be made by the Registrar’s Office. A student may receive an unofficial evaluation of credit by visiting or contacting the Office of Undergraduate Admissions

While Ashland University does not formally participate in Ohio's "Statewide Articulation and Transfer Policy," the Transfer Module is one basis for evaluating course equivalencies when transferring general education courses to meet Institutional Baccalaureate Requirement.

 Conditional Admission

Applicants not meeting minimum admission standards may be offered conditional admission for their first semester. Full admission to the University is determined at the end of the first semester of enrollment. A student admitted conditionally must maintain a 2.0 GPA at the conclusion of the first 12 semester hours of course work.

Conditionally admitted freshman students are required to meet with the Center for Academic Support during the summer or the first week of classes to discuss expectations and plans for academic achievement. Failure to adhere to the Plan for Academic Achievement at any point during the semester may, of itself, constitute grounds for dismissal. Academic support options include, but are not limited to, one-on-one meetings with the Center for Academic Support, individual tutoring, restricted course loads, academic advising and success seminars.

 Provisional Admission

Students pursuing a degree may be admitted provisionally to study at Ashland University for one semester with unofficial transcripts. Students are blocked after their first semester of registration from taking additional courses until official transcripts are submitted to the Registrar’s Office.


Undergraduate students who leave Ashland University for one or more semesters (not including summer term) must submit an application for readmission. The entire previous record of the student is reviewed and favorable action is necessary before the student can register for classes. If readmitted to the university, the student is not guaranteed readmission into the same program. A student may apply for readmission at

A student who was academically dismissed is eligible for readmission after a period of one semester. Applications for readmission after dismissal will be reviewed by the Registrar’s Office. Applicants must submit a personal statement that includes assessment of past performance along with goals and strategies for future improvements. This may include, but is not limited to, employment, education, and training during absence from Ashland University. A student who has been dismissed a second time may not apply for further reinstatement. A student seeking readmission after an absence of more than one year will be subject to the curricular requirements in effect as of the first registration of classes subsequent to readmission. If the student has attended other schools, transcripts from these schools must be sent to the Office of Admission.

Students seeking readmission after a medical withdrawal must follow the steps under "Readmission after Medical Withdrawal" in the Academic Affairs section of the catalog.

Students re-entering the university will be automatically updated to the current catalog year. Students are not required to pay an application fee or submit transcripts unless coursework was completed at another institution during their absence from AU or a previously required transcript remains unresolved.

 Special Student

A special student at Ashland University is one who is not a candidate for a degree. The classification includes transient students in good standing at another institution, certain international students, post-graduate students, and students wishing to attain specific skills such as music or art. A special student does not need to file the regular application for admission. After earning 12 semester hours, a special student must submit an application for admission in order to continue taking courses at Ashland University. To register as a special student, contact the Registrar’s Office.

A student who is a college graduate and who submits authenticated evidence of graduation to the Registrar’s Office may register for any class without contacting the Office of Admission. If, however, the student is working toward a second degree, or if the student will require the services of Ashland University in securing teacher licensure, the student must fulfill the usual requirements for admission.

Special status students are not eligible for Ashland University scholarships/awards, nor Federal/State financial aid.

Transient Student

A transient student must submit a statement of good standing or permission in writing to take courses at Ashland University. He or she is permitted to take a maximum of 18 semester hours, after which the usual requirements for admission must be fulfilled.

 Senior Citizen

A senior citizen (age 60 or older) may take classes as a special student at a reduced rate if space is available. No credit is given for the course. The cost is determined at the beginning of each year and can be found at


A veteran needs to file a regular application for admission and follow the appropriate admission process. College credit earned while serving in the military will be evaluated by the Registrar’s Office on an individual basis. Five semester hours of elective credit will be grated to veterans who have been honorably discharged from military service to the United States. Veterans of the United States Armed Forces are given priority registration each semester and are among the first cohort for whom registration is made available. Any changes in registration must be reported to the Registrar’s Office immediately for submission to Veterans' Affairs.

Additional military training may be considered for academic credit through evaluation of a portfolio by the Prior Learning Assessment Committee.


Any regularly enrolled student in the University may audit a course. Other persons who do not wish to receive college credit and who do not meet admission requirements may also register as auditors upon payment of the audit fee and any special class fees (e.g. lab or music fees). Under no circumstances will audit grades later be changed to credit status. A student may not change from audit to credit, and vice versa, after the third week of a semester. Students may not audit more than 16 hours of class without permission from the Academic Advising Office. If auditing a course previously taken for credit, see Repeat Policy for more information.

 Second Degree or Major

The applicant who holds a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution may earn a second degree or major in a different field of study. The applicant must meet specific course requirements appropriate to the degree and/or major, and follow the application procedures outlined in the "Transfer Student" section. Ashland University offers the Bachelor's Plus Program for individuals who have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in a field other than education who now wishes to become a licensed educator.

Dwight Schar College of Nursing and Health Sciences offers a second degree leading to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. For information, contact the Graduate, Adult, and Online Admissions Representative for the Accelerated program.

 International Student

International students are required to have an equivalent of a 2.5/4.0 GPA (3.0/4.0 for Nursing program) on the American System, for automatic admission to Ashland University. Students with below a 2.5 (3.0 for Nursing program) GPA will be reviewed for admission on an individual basis. For countries which do not use the grade point average, a determination is made to equate the score to the US education system.

The international student should submit the following materials:

  1. A completed International Student Application;

  2. A $50 non-refundable application fee;

  3. A photocopy of applicant’s passport pages.

  4. Proof of financial support showing the sponsor's ability to support the student with funds equal to or greater than the estimated expenses per year;

  5. Academic records from all secondary schools, colleges, or universities attended;

  6. Results of any state or government comprehensive exams, such as the Baccalaureate or the G.C.E., if applicable;

  7. An official TOEFL score of 65 (iBT) or above (84 or above for Nursing program), or an IELTS score of 6.0 or above (7.0 or above for Nursing program), or PTEA score of 50 or above (59 or above for Nursing Program), or DET 95 (115 or above for Nursing Program);

  8. If the TOEFL, IELTS, PTEA, or DET score is below the required level, or these tests have not been taken, the student may enter the Center for English Studies (ACCESS).

  9. Students admitted to nursing programs should find TOEFL score requirements within those admission policies.

After formal admission, the international student will receive a Form I-20 Certificate of Eligibility for non- immigrant (F-1) student status. This document can be presented to the U.S. Consul in the student's country of residence in order to apply for a visa.

International Student Services provides assistance, orientation, and advising to international students. The office also promotes intercultural contacts and provides student organization programs. The services of Ashland University are designed in accordance with federal rules and regulations concerning foreign students, and the principles and guidelines of NAFSA: Association of International Educators. Visit the website:

 International Transfer Student

An international student from a recognized institution of higher learning may be considered for admission as a transfer student to AU provided the student has a 2.25/4.0 cumulative GPA (3.0/4.0 for Nursing program) at previous colleges/universities attended.

Credits earned at other colleges or universities will be accepted according to the principles described under the "Transfer Student" section.

To apply as a transfer student, the international student needs to follow the procedures outlined under the "International Student" section.

 Second and Non-Degree Programs for International Students

The University also offers programs for Second Degree and Non-Degree students. A student who already holds a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution can earn a second degree at Ashland in a different field of study. These programs are generally one to three years in length, depending upon which field of study is chosen.

A student who wishes to study for a period of one year or less might consider the Non-Degree program in which the student can study whatever subjects he or she wishes to study without pursuing a degree.

Both the Second Degree and Non-Degree programs require a GPA of at least 2.25/4.0 (3.0/4.0 for Nursing program).

To apply for a Second Degree or Non-Degree program, the international student should follow the application procedures outlined in the "International Student" section.