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Master of Education

The Dwight Schar College of Education

Ashland University offers a variety of graduate education programs at its regional centers located in Ashland, Columbus, Massillon, Elyria, and Cleveland. These programs include the Master of Education (M.Ed.), Bachelor’s Plus licensure, and other licensure and endorsement programs.

Not all centers include all of the above programs. Contact the graduate advising office for information regarding a specific program. Note that the traditional Ed.D. program is offered only at the Ashland Center. The Executive Doctoral Ed.D. is only offered at the Columbus Center (see Ed.D. section for details regarding this program).

All courses are taught within the parameters of master syllabi, which have been developed, reviewed, and approved by the faculty and Graduate Council prior to adoption. Convenience, personalized attention, and quality programs contribute to the attractiveness of Ashland University programs at all five regional centers.

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Graduate Education Program Objectives

The graduate programs offered by the Dwight Schar College of Education are designed to provide functionally integrated academic, experimental, and field-based study necessary to the personal and professional growth of educators. Toward this end the M.Ed. and licensure programs each include three distinct components: (1) a common core of studies focusing on the foundations of education, (2) professional studies emphasizing the integration and application of functional knowledge, and (3) a field practicum or alternate options designed to deepen the student’s understanding of self through problem-solving and decision-making techniques.

Graduate education programs are developed on the premise that improvement requires change and that effective programs must be responsive to the needs of the educational community.

The programs are based on foundations of education, current research, effective practice, and dynamic collaborative relationships among educators at all levels. The program is implemented through diverse classroom, field, and clinical experiences. The faculty believe that a professional educator is a reflective practitioner who merges theory and practice. A major objective of the programs is to develop individual skills for solving particular educational problems, whether in teaching, supervision, or administration, while keeping such solutions in balance with institutional, community, or school system needs and expectations. A second objective is the acquisition of sound principles and techniques essential to working effectively in a wide range of instructional or organizational settings. A basic assumption of all graduate programs is that educational policies and procedures are constantly changing, and that the practices of tomorrow may have little similarity to current models. Thus, Ashland University’s programs emphasize the development of the individual’s professional capacity as a self-perpetuating facet of present and future personal development.


Ashland University’s Graduate Programs in Education were established in response to needs expressed by teachers and administrators of the area. Feasibility studies conducted by (at the time) Ashland College’s Department of Education, as well as other institutions, provided quantitative data supporting the need to develop a master’s degree program that could reasonably be facilitated within existing institutional guidelines.

In August of 1975, the Master of Education degree (M.Ed.) with major program areas in curriculum and instruction, supervision and reading supervision, was approved by the Ashland College Board of Trustees. Initial approval by the Ohio Department of Higher Education (formerly known as the Ohio Board of Regents) was given on October 17, 1975. The Ohio Board of Education provided its initial approval on January 12, 1976.

Subsequent visitations and approvals have occurred by both the Ohio Department of Higher Education (formerly known as the Ohio Board of Regents) and the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Program support and planning assistance is also received from non-institutional personnel and agencies through advisory committee memberships. In all, the breadth of the College’s programs now encompass a doctoral degree, three M.Ed. major programs, and numerous licensures and endorsements, including the Bachelor‘s Plus post-baccalaureate initial teacher licensure program.

Admission Procedures

Master of Education Program from the Bachelor's Plus Program

Bachelor's Plus students interested in the Master of Education Degree Program should contact their graduate advisor to schedule an appointment during the latter part of their licensure program. A student cannot be formally admitted to the master's program until he or she has completed his or her licensure program, nor can any courses count as master's credit until the student is officially admitted into the master's program. Some graduate courses may count as credit toward a Master of Education Degree.

Master of Education, Licensure, and Endorsement Programs

An applicant possessing a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, with a cumulative undergraduate grade point average of at least 2.75 on a 4.00 scale may be accepted for admission to the College of Education, Certificate, Licensure, or Endorsement programs. Students with a GPA higher than 2.25 may be eligible for conditional admission to the College of Education, Certificate, Licensure, or Endorsement programs. All students with either an undergraduate GPA or a graduate GPA (minimum of 12 credits) below a 2.75 must go through the College of Education Appeals process. If a student has attempted to complete 12 or more hours of graduate coursework, the graduate GPA will be used for admission purposes.

How to Apply

The following materials must be submitted to finalize the application process:

  1. Completed Ashland University Application.

  2. Submit a $30 application fee.

  3. Submit official academic transcript(s) from accredited institutions of higher education documenting all undergraduate and graduate degrees awarded.

  4. Cumulative GPA of 2.75 or above.

Transcripts, application fees paid by check or money order, or other correspondence should be mailed to:

Ashland University

Attn: Enrollment Services

401 College Avenue

Ashland, OH 44805

Official Electronic transcripts should be submitted to:

Transfer Credit

The policy of the Dwight Schar College of Education specifies that graduate students may take courses for personal or professional development offered or sponsored by another institution.

Course credit may be transferred providing:

  1. The course(s) is given or offered by an accredited college or university. Documentation is required for all courses if acceptance of them for degree credit is requested. Minimally, the course must be listed and described in this catalog or other official publication of the institution. The content of the course must satisfy a requirement in a degree program at the offering institution and be able to satisfy a degree requirement at Ashland University.

  2. For prior approval of credit to be transferred, the student must have the transfer approved by the dean of the Dwight Schar College of Education. Prior assurances given verbally by faculty members or staff at Ashland must be regarded as estimates or opinions. They do not commit the University to a course of action. Transfer credits that have not been approved in advance will be considered at the discretion of the department chair and dean of the Dwight Schar College of Education using the guidelines for accepting any previously completed and acceptable graduate credits. Transfer credit is not considered official until it has been approved by both the dean and Registrar’s Office. Students are responsible for providing appropriate transcripts in a timely manner and confirming the transfer of credit with their respective academic advisor.

  3. Written requests for acceptance of special courses, i.e., “tour” or “travel” type courses, must be fully documented so that their academic integrity can be judged. Promotional literature from a tour or travel agency or institutional sponsor is not considered appropriate documentation. Many accredited colleges or universities offer such courses for personal and professional development that can carry graduate credit but are not applicable to their degree programs.

  4. Twelve (12) semester credits may be transferred from other institutions under the following conditions:

    a.      The student is in good standing at the other institution;

    b.      The grades in graduate courses to be transferred are “B” or better or an “S”;

    c.      Course work accepted must be no older than five - seven years (depending upon course topic) from the date of admission into the M.Ed.;

    d.      The student has been admitted to a Master of Education degree program;

    e.      Exceptions to the above must be approved by the dean of the Dwight Schar College of Education;

    f.       Quarter hours transferred into the University will be converted into semester hours.

Workshop Credit

In order to meet one semester hour of credit, the workshop must have required the equivalent of 15 class hours for participation, the content must have been of appropriate magnitude, the student must have met successfully all workshop requirements, and it must be recorded as graduate credit on a transcript from a regionally accredited program. The three programs, which allow workshops to count toward elective credits, are (a) Curriculum and Instruction: Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century, six hours (b) Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy, three hours (c) Curriculum and Instruction: Talent Development, three hours in workshop credit for cognate. The dean of the Dwight Schar College of Education must approve workshop credits. For information regarding Ashland University’s Professional Development Service’s workshops, refer to the Founders School.

Degree Completion Time Limits

The student must complete all requirements for the Master of Education Degree within five years. The time limit normally is from the beginning date of the formal admission to the Master of Education Program to the last hours applied toward the degree. Special consideration will be given for leaves of absence for adequate cause. The student who fails to take courses or otherwise continue to pursue the degree for a period of three consecutive semesters will be terminated from the program’s active file and will be required to apply for reactivation of his or her records to the current catalog year.


The Master of Education degree makes extensive use of integrated theoretical and field-related experiences in the major program areas of curriculum and instruction and educational administration. This approach helps the classroom teacher incorporate the works of knowledgeable practitioners and theoreticians into already existing classroom structures and instructional practices. All programs require successful completion of 9 semester hour credits of basic core (Core) subjects, American Psychological Association (APA) seminar, and an appropriate culminating experience (see Options for Capstone Experience).

Graduate classes are scheduled for evening hours during the fall and spring semesters. Some classes may be available in a combination of Friday/Saturday sessions. Summer classes normally meet during morning and/or early afternoon hours. Schedules are posted on the Ashland University web site.

Advanced Field Practicum

All advanced programs that lead candidates to work in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 educational settings require a field practicum. The practicum may be completed through a specific field practicum (for example, EDUC 710 or EDIS 710), internship (EDLS 721, EDLS 722, and 2 hours program-specific internship), or integrated into a professional course. See each program description for specific information.

Capstone Experiences

Students in M.Ed. Programs may have three options in which to complete their degree.

Option 1: The inquiry seminar provides opportunities for students to collaborate and explore an area of interest identified by the professor. The choices for this option include:

EDUC 788 Capstone Inquiry Seminar

EDIS 788 Capstone Inquiry Seminar: Talent Development

Prerequisites: students should have completed the Core requirements and a total of approximately 21-24 semester hours in order to begin the capstone.

The inquiry seminar is a capstone experience conducted by full-time faculty. The class is limited to 15 students and may exceed one semester. The course has a broad theme (for like-minded students to enroll); the students will normally research more specific topics within the theme. Themes might include such topics as finance, curriculum, school improvement, etc. Requirements for the seminar include readings, focused discussions, a major paper following APA style, and a public presentation. Students must apply in advance to the professor in charge. The professor determines who is included in the seminar.

Option 2: The thesis, a scholarly paper prepared on a topic that embodies research of a specific nature, enables students to explore a topic of interest.

EDUC 781 Thesis Capstone in Education

EDIS 781 Thesis Capstone in Talent Dev. Education

Prerequisites: Students should have completed the Core requirements and a total of approximately 21-24 semester hours in order to begin the capstone.

The thesis is a capstone experience that focuses on a topic related to the student's field. In EDUC 781, the research may be the result of a field-based action experience pertaining to a school-based improvement project.

The student must submit and defend a proposal acceptable to a committee. Upon proposal acceptance, the student develops and defends the thesis around extensive and thorough research.

Option 3:  Educational Leadership M.ED. students will complete the EDLS Administrative Internship Modules EDLS 721 and EDLS 722 The School Improvement Project.

Academic Policies and Regulations

Although most major program areas follow an orderly development, the student should understand that some modifications may become necessary because of state, institutional, or student expectations.

M.Ed. Core Courses

A common CORE of knowledge is needed by all who seek the Master of Education degree. To fulfill this objective one course within each of the following three strands is required of all students whose major program area is in pre-K-12 education. NOTE: No “Core” course may be taken by conference.

Core Courses:

Curriculum Foundations Strand

EDFN 521: The Theory and Practice of Curriculum


EDCI 522: Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century


EDCI 523: Literacy Theory and Curriculum

Inquiry Strand

EDFN 504: Action Research for Educational Improvement

EDFN 506: Qualitative Research

EDFN 507: Understanding Statistical Research for Classroom


Diversity Strand

EDFN 510: The World in Your Classroom: Multicultural and

Global Education

EDFN 533: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners:

Social, Historical, and Legal Issues Related to the Education of English Language Learners

EDIS 550: Social and Educational Perspectives of Disability


EDFN 501: American Psychological Association Style Seminar

Courses and Descriptions

See EDCI Courses

See EDFN Courses

See EDIS Courses