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Navigated to BS with a comprehensive major in Biology.

Bachelor of Science with a comprehensive major in Biology

Course Number and Title



Biology Core:



BIO 201 Molec. & Cellular Basis of Life



BIO 202 Organisms, Adapt. & Divers



BIO 301 Professional Preparation


Major, So. Status

BIO 303 Genetics


BIO 201 & 6 BIO hrs

BIO 495 Biology Senior Seminar


Major, Sr. Status

CHEM 103 General Chemistry I


H.S. Chem; 3 Yrs. H.S. Math

CHEM 104 General Chemistry II


CHEM 103

CHEM 307 Organic Chemistry


CHEM 104

CHEM 307L Organic Chemistry Lab


CHEM 104

2 Semesters of mathematics* (Calculus and/or Statistics Recommended)



Total Biology Core Hours

32-36 hrs.


Remaining Biology Courses:



Choose at least one course from three of the following four areas:



Cellular and Molecular courses:



BIO 340 Microbiology


BIO 201, CHEM 104

BIO 424 Cell Biology


BIO 303 and 12 hrs. BIO

BIO 428 Molecular Biology


BIO 303

BIO 429 Biochemistry (with lab)


CHEM 307

Biodiversity Courses:



BIO 205 General Zoology


BIO 202

BIO 207 General Botany


BIO 202

BIO 215 Field Zoology


BIO 202 OR BIO 205

BIO 219 Entomology


BIO 202

BIO 328 Vertebrate Biology


BIO 202

Physiology courses:



BIO 325 Anatomy and Physiology I


BIO 201

BIO 327 Plant Physiology


BIO 202

BIO 330 Principles of Toxicology


BIO 201, 202; CHEM 104

BIO 423 Pharmacology and Tox I


CHEM 307, 16 hours BIO

BIO 425 Advanced Human Physiology


16 hrs. BIO

BIO 433 Pharmacology and Tox II


BIO 423

Ecology & Evolution courses:



BIO 305 Evolution


BIO 202 or BIO 303 or concurrent

BIO 310 Ecology


BIO 202

BIO 348 Emerging Pathogens


BIO 240 or 340

BIO 411 Limnology


BIO 202

BIO 412 Marine Biology


BIO 202

Choose at least one from the following seminar courses:



BIO 276 Environmental Science Seminar


So. or Jr.. status

BIO 304 Journal Club


Major, Jr. or Sr. status

Biology electives to reach 60 hrs.**



Total Hours

60 hrs.


Plus Institutional Baccalaureate Degree Requirements.

*For the Forensic Biology concentration take calculus and statistics. See specifics in the concentration listing below.

**At least 12 hours altogether of area electives, seminar requirement and general biology electives should be at the 300 or 400 level. Elective hours may include up to 3 hours of 493, and no more than 6 hours of Bio 493, 497, or 498 combined.

Notes: Students obtaining a double major in biology and chemistry may count Bio/Chem 429 Biochemistry toward both majors.

Students planning to attend a graduate or professional school should take a full year of physics and organic chemistry, even though these are not required for all the tracks in Biology.

Courses and Descriptions

See BIO Courses

See CHEM Courses